Independence and the Zimbabwean dream

Each year Independence Day rolls around, for a few minutes I am filled with mixed feelings: heartfelt honour then an inner sigh of resignation. Is independence the last good thing that happened to Zimbabwe? Some celebrated today, meat and beer in hand- Tuku in the background or maybe attended a gala somewhere, for others it’s a day like any other. I spent it in quiet contemplation, with some IPL in the background, wondering just how a day of such immense historical significance affects us today and how it will affect the post-modern era. By us, I mean the millenial generation. 34 years ago we were declared free to enjoy independent governance, to assume rightful proprietorship to the land, rid of colonial oppression and the ability to make our own decisions and even mistakes, as long as they were our own. Places to walk, eat and study were once marked by racial segregation, and my how we have progressed. We would do well to remember in profound gratitude and never take for granted...