How Do We Heal?

Life sucks. This isn't an absolute statement but it's definitely truer on some days than others. Wouldn't you say? Life throws a myriad of experiences at us, which makes it exciting and unpredictable but sometimes it seems we only pass through one valley of the shadow of death to get into another. Some of these hurts can etch so deeply, leaving us with traces of post-traumatic stress, loosely defined: I never want to go through that again. We find a way to cope or carry on, for better or worse. Let me start with 'for worse'. You can become a master at holding onto your bitter hurts, someone called them 'cherished resentments.' You look at the scars often and revisit the emotion you felt enough to remind yourself to avoid that situation at all costs. Instead of reaching out and sharing the parts that make you most vulnerable, your weakness, you close yourself in a shell as a protective mechanism. Your insecurity eventually only allows you to ...