The Beauty Complex

One afternoon as I went through my 'Soulful' playlist, a thought came to mind as I listened to one of my all-time favourites; Lana del Rey- 'Young and Beautiful'. Do obscenely good-looking people ever worry that their beauty is not enough..? Next came 'Pretty Hurts' by Beyonce and I wondered if she actually lived out those words and rebelled against the status quo, how much of a difference that would make to her daughter, and to how her legions of fans perceive her. I consider myself a moderate consumer of pop culture with an innate confidence, and yet I am no stranger to the allures of the glossy and glamorous lifestyle. While I, and most people I've spoken to say they'd never go the full monty with cosmetic surgery, most of us have felt at some point or another that longer legs, harder abs, more sculpted arms et al wouldn't go amiss. I will go on record to say that last week I spent approximately two hours idling through photos of Irina Sh...