The Race Card and The Hand We've Been Dealt

The news these days is so overwhelming. Just this morning alone I read about a Chinese yacht capsizing with 458 people on board and a petrol explosion in Ghana leaving over a hundred dead. It seems like the only way to cope is to put on one's rose-coloured glasses and get on with my day. Trauma after trauma can take you from shock to disbelief to exasperation to helplessness then numbness. That's if our conscience is even attuned to what goes on around us. It's so easy to be disengaged or indifferent to things that don't affect our immediate bubbles. At any given time we are going through some hardship of our own, our experiences are different to those of others therefore our reactions and perceptions of the world we live in could not possibly be unanimous. That's the common rationale. But sometimes, by no coincidence, you get to live the headlines, and you wait for the breakthrough moment but it just doesn't appear on the horizon. As you read this, I...