Embracing Simplicity

🌾 Looking back, how many defining moments can you say you have had in your life? Several, I bet. I marvel at how I was sure I would die if and when certain things happened and yet, here I am. I would have never imagined that at 26 I would not have gone to the uni I wanted to, not studied the field I was passionate about, lost friends I was convinced I would grow old with, lost weight over a boy (a kg or two haha ) lost my mum, been apart from my sister indefinitely, not gotten the job I thought I wanted, and falling into the same sin repeatedly.. This isn't self-pity, this is reality. To be candid, I cannot say I stand completely pain-free at this point, but God chooses those drastically life - altering events to show himself God. Simultaneously, some things nothing short of miraculous were also happening to me; I was given 24 precious years with my mum, I met one of my dearest friends in a remote village in one of the strangest countries in the world, I trave...