When did we stop believing in love?

This year Valentine’s Day kinda crept up on me. Despite having been single every other Valentine’s Day since I came of age, there is usually some anticipation in the back of my mind this time of year. I imagine how my future guy and I might celebrate, like would we go all out and come up with creative, tear-jerking ways to affirm our affections or would we try to rise above the social pressure to make public declarations and come up with our own rhythm of displays of affection...? Just yesterday I remembered that Valentine’s Day was today yet I felt so indifferent. No dreaming, no pang of sadness at having no one to expect gifts and trinkets from.. just another day. I paused. Had singleness made me stop believing in the beauty and thrill of falling in love? Had I stopped picturing a future with someone and instead begun to try to make my life as colourful as possible in case I end up alone in my future living room portrait? It’s been an interesting few years, to say the least. ...