The Spiritual and Emotional Glow Up

It's worth noting that many of us are resistant to growth when it makes us uncomfortable and yet we hate the thought of being left behind. Catch phrases about proceeding and progress are so commonplace nowadays and yet, in many areas of our lives we can't bear to part with the status quo. 

Seeing others change and grow is intimidating because in some way, it reminds us not so much of our ineptitude but our complacency. This phenomenon is apparent in friendships; when you outgrow people, you may find them constantly trying to remind you of who you used to be. Perhaps back then you weren't as impressive, or successful, or popular or secure. So these reminders are meant to keep you indebted to your past and to they, who loved you back then. The new you, the better you is so very disconcerting to them and that seeps through the cracks of your conversations. 

For tangible and more superficial elements such as a career upgrade, a physical "glow-up" or a new relationship the world prepares us to fight off "haters" and bask in our success. But no one really prepares you for the repercussions of the emotional and spiritual "glow up" in other words, maturity in Christ. As you fall deeper in love with God, it shows. In the way you talk, love, in the decisions you make, in everything you do. You have a brand new heart living in the same old flesh. For something many around you aspire towards, you'll be surprised to see that you won't always get that pat on the back. Your old friends who also claim to love God, suddenly lose the taste for this new you.. So they remind that you're still just little old "X".. Because if you've improved, then that must mean they've been left behind.

Exhibit B: Reconnecting with exes. You both once claimed to love each other with an undying passion, and you failed.. so the least you can do is try to be friends, right? Yet there is this pride in the human heart that hides behind wanting to take the high road and prove to them that we've moved on and wish them well etc. Because when we see that they have in fact grown and moved on and achieved that 'best' that we wished for them, that makes us feel threatened. So we resort to sarcasm, cynicism, any little trick to undercut their resolve and remind them of the hold we used to have on them.. Of the time they sought and valued our approval.

My conclusions are that unlike other glow-ups, the emotional and spiritual glow-up is available and accessible to everybody at any time. Jesus is calling you too. Some people will respond to him and change, others unfortunately will not. For those that do, live for and expect his pat on the back, because some people in your life will not give it if they don't truly get it. Finally, embrace that calling with humility and resolve. Being better is not an act of self will, it is the work of God. By his grace, you will be a shining light to many, but you cannot take everyone where you are going. The truth is, some are going to be left behind.


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