
Dear God,

Forgive me for the times I've needed people to prove their love to me thinking that that's the only way I could know and feel real, tangible love. Forgive me when I get sad and feel alone because no one is physically by my side. He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:32) Over and over you've proven your words to be true.

You chose me before I ever chose you, you loved me before I was even trying to know you. You claim me, when I deny you. You pursue me when I run from you. The friend that sticks closer than a brother, the husband that loves his rebellious wife unconditionally. You surround me, you unravel me when I'm convinced no one truly knows or understands me. When blown about by the waves and winds of circumstance and feelings, you remain the firm rock I put my feet on. You are the thrill that never runs out, even when I'm tempted to seek pleasure and comfort in other things. You have a whole world to run and yet are always available to talk to; you are the voice that knows better, in every situation. My dreams, thoughts, every detail of my life matters to you- you have so much to say about it. You speak to every fear and hurt I have, helping me to endure and overcome and promising a day when fear and pain will exist no more. And you keep your word, you never lie, you never falter, you are not moody with. Even when I fail horribly; embarrassingly, in public or in secret- you abandon the 99 and come to rescue me. When I fell apart you put me back together with a patient, steady and sure hand. You see who I was, who I am and who I will be and you don't give up on me, you rejoice over me, you make me better, you still choose me. 

The next time I start to feel alone or unloved again, open my eyes again to see that everything I seek in love, is You. Consistent, faithful, kind, just, merciful, generous, so much more.. Help me to meditate on your Son, the one you called to die in place of all that is ugly, miserable and unlovable in me. The one who gave me hope when I could have never earned such favour. You are the relationship goals, the ultimate fulfillment. All that any relationship here on earth offers is a pale shadow of the relationship we have, because I can only ever show and enjoy the true joy and sacrifice of love with others by embracing the sacrifice and gift of love you have given me in Jesus. A love that burns eternal in life and death.

 Help me to remember the Cross and to keep saying yes. No matter how loud the voices within me and crowds around me get; to keep choosing you, the Love of my Life.


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