Blessed are those...

I used to find myself wishing Jesus still walked among us, or that I had been alive during his time, witnessing his unparalleled wisdom and life-changing miracles. Most of us feel like if only we could see some sort of evidence with our own eyes then we would have greater faith. Yet even some 2000 years ago; despite the profound impact of Jesus' life, so many doubted; some were simply entertained by his works and even the religious teachers criticised, rejected and eventually crucified him. Because of their calloused hearts, they could not see that the kingdom of God had come. Can we truly say that we are more convinced than those people of his day?

I am now so grateful that Jesus had to die a physical death, so that He could display God's justice, love and mercy. He was the ultimate Divine Intervention that accomplished God's purpose to reconcile us to him on earth, and eternally. No greater man will ever walk the earth because even in death, Jesus' power did not end with him. To all who love him and follow his commands, he promised his eternal presence:

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." ~John 14:16, 17

Jesus is very much alive and reigning today and though we cannot see him, he is working miracles, changing hearts, transforming lives and defeating the sin that takes hold of us more than ever. If you are seeking wisdom, healing, peace, true freedom, forgiveness, the meaning of life and at the core of it all, the joy of a new life- believe in the omnipotence of Jesus. He is the all in all. Ask. Cry out. Surrender to serving Him. invite the Spirit of truth and you will cash in on this promise: no matter what you go through, the will of the loving Father who knows and wants what's best for you will be done in all aspects of your life.

After his resurrection Jesus told his disciple Thomas, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” ~John 20:29


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