The reasons why most people think long distance relationships don't work.

You met someone, got to know them and discovered they were moving away.
You date someone, fall in love, have to leave temporarily and decide to separate "for the best."
What is it about distance that makes us give up so easily on people we claim to have genuinely cared about?

1. We are an entitled generation that's too lazy to make an effort unless it benefits us here and NOW, we want instant gratification and often bail at the first sign of difficulty.
2. Our society does not advocate anything about self-control, but rather, 'safe sex with the one you love' and 'no strings attached' the thought of abstinence to most people is UNIMAGINABLE and unattainable. 
3. We don't recognise hardship as an investment. Instead of using that time apart to develop fortitude and cultivate a true love for someone's spirit rather than merely their company, we miss them, get frustrated and only see the distance as a reason to grow apart and become less involved.
4. We have an immature perception of love, we believe it's all about someone satisfying OUR emotional, sexual and financial needs. We don't see it as a decision to commit to loving someone, we see it as a feeling, therefore when we're not exposed to that person, 'the feeling' disappears.

But love is PATIENT. It endures. And if you fail to uphold it in distance, how do you expect to succeed at marriage, which is infinitely more demanding? A few years are nothing compared to the rest of your life. When you love some genuinely and you bring each other spiritual and mental growth- you will wait, hope and persevere. Even when you don't always know HOW it will work out. If you seek God's blessing on your relationship, you must abide by his commands. These are not arbitrary constraints, He designed them to protect you from hurt, guide you to the right ONE and give you abundant joy. How long shall we live in the self-inflicted pain of the consequences of our actions? It is easy to give up or cheat just because someone is further than you would like them to be, and yet you may just be walking away from one of the greatest blessings in your life.

My favourite example from the bible is Jacob, who waited 14 years for Rachel while working for her father. 14 YEARS, when some of us cannot even do 2 months. Because he CHOSE to wait and work for Rachel; through their descendants, centuries later, the Saviour of the world was born.


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