The Oscar Pistorius Trial and a tricky little thing called ‘Character.’
Watching Oscar and Reeva’s Whatsapp chat history unravelled on TV today made me cringe. Message after messaged they read. A part of me felt satisfaction because after testimonies that pointed toward his character I thought: 'finally, we have evidence that can’t be disputed: Reeva’s feelings are somewhat out there and we might be able to determine what kind of character Oscar bore while they were together.' Still, a quiet part of me couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He admits to committing the crime and while his motive is yet to be established.. many of his intimate moments, angry outbursts, feelings and all his ‘dirty little secrets’ are now out in the open for everyone to scrutinise and judge. And they will not be forgotten too soon. While Judge Masipa will ultimately decide his fate, most of us already have, from the comfort of our couches. I watch a lot of the Crime Investigation channel; it’s so evocative. Documentaries and books are already being written about Oscar and Reeva and this intriguing tragedy has become media fodder as the world waits to hear just how and why things went awry that fateful Valentine's Day morning. Yet, this case taking place in real time has reiterated how painful death is and that regardless of the outcome, lives have been changed forever. Everyone who is following the riveting proceedings will no doubt have formed opinions as I have, but this post is here to pose questions I’ve had over the past three weeks that will probably linger long after the verdict is issued.
If you have
supposedly been kind and philanthropic all your life and then do one horrible
thing.. does that make you altogether evil?
Is “severe emotional distress” plausible
justification for hurting someone, or simply an excuse? What wrongs should be
punished, which ones can be forgiven?
If you regret your actions do you deserve softer
Is there room for both mercy and justice in court and in life, or
just one?
Do painful consequences ultimately change a man?

While perfection doesn’t exist among an inherently fallen
humanity, it shouldn’t stop us from trying to be better and purer. Biologically, people
grow and do not stop growing until they die. The way we process information
evolves according to our absorption and critique of knowledge,
our environmental and societal influence, our significant experiences and most
importantly our WILL. Look at
yourself, I bet there are situations from years/months ago you would handle
differently now if given the chance. But we don’t always get the chance, do we? Fortunately,
some wise guy aptly said “Hindsight is
always 20/20.” Taking an honest look and admitting you did wrong is the first step to not being the man or woman who is remembered for poor
choices. When we refuse to benefit from hindsight, we birth two things: regret
and stagnation. Regret is the most hollow, painful emotion I can think of.
Stagnation is when you stop growing and stay in the same phase, even when
everything/everyone else around you adapts, you do not progress positively. Dishonesty
may make us feel better about ourselves but it conceals our true motives,
putting ourselves first can help us accomplish a lot but it give us a false
sense of confidence, shielding our hearts with individualistic thinking may
protect us from vulnerability but it lures us into a false sense of security and leaves
us lonely without anyone to understand us (which is what we really want from
relationships,) hurting other people may sometimes feel like a necessary evil
but it drives us further away from God, giving in to self-destructive habits
may provide the release we so desperately need but like all cheap thrills,
they never last. Anger, even repressed anger destroys you. Gradually that kind
of life, which you think serves you, robs you of the image of the God who
created you and turns you into someone you will one day despise. We must keep
moving forward and not grow weary or become complacent or even allow ourselves
to revel in our weaknesses. The road less travelled but infinitely more rewarding is that of
integrity; the man or woman who walks in it is like the wise man who built his house upon a rock. Although truth seems like a myth these days, it is the only thing that will
stand at the end of the day. One day all our thoughts, messages and deeds done
in the dark (big and small)
will be exposed, and the consequences will be far more long-lasting
than life in prison. Only those who have something to sacrifice will gain what is of true value.
Only those who strive to cut away the toxicity will find true health. This needs
courage, humility and effort but cannot be accomplished alone. Grab hold of Goodness Himself (Jesus) and you will be deemed good enough and
cleansed from all impurity when earth as we know it is over. Lean on others and share your burdens and you will find rest and strength.
For anyone who has messed up: there is hope for redemption
in Christ. He is the only man who walked this earth purely and did not sin. He
sympathises with our weakness and temptations because he too was weak and
tempted while he was on earth. Believe in Him and His victory shall become your
victory too. Cry out to the Ultimate Judge for forgiveness
and he will show you boundless compassion and love. You shall not be judged by your shortcomings unless you are
content, unremorseful and unrepentant in them. He may not always take away
the consequences of sin, but he promises to restore what sin took away from
you. For anyone who has been done wrong or knows someone who has: may this
introspection enable you to be as gracious, and forgiving of others’ flaws and faults as
you are with your own. “Let he who is
without sin, cast the first stone”...
that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but
I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have
taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining
toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for
which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:12-14
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