DESENSITISATION: the biggest yet most subtle trap today.

Exposure and access to everything in the information world has gradually changed our perception processes and behaviour. Who can deny it? Because of what we believe is our right to be informed or entertained, we have become more aware, yet also more conditioned and more tolerant. The lines between good and evil have become blurry, black and white has become gray and so many other colours on the moral spectrum. We have slowly come to accept what we used to reject and be afraid of, and gradually loosened our grip on Godly principles with each compromise. We usually justify it as our liberty and explain it away as being progressive. "If we can't beat em, join em here and there." is the resounding philosophy for those who are so afraid of being labelled "judgey". We have guilty pleasures we don't want to let go of that we've actually stopped feeling guilty. We care less about what God cares about, as though he used to live in the oldern days and has no idea what the world looks like now. Although we wouldn't admit it, we live as though His commands are redundant and we need new, more relevant, more attainable rules. Or just no rules at all! To each his own, hide from the accountability of his word and just call it a personal relationship with God. Haven't we, over time, become our own judges of good and evil, just like Eve set out to do that fateful day in the garden..? Instead of seeking the wisdom of God, we have become our own gods and he has become a back-up plan or the go-to guy in times of trouble. Let me explain..

Because of tv, we have embraced the very sin that we should resist. The very sin God destroyed nations over. The very sin Jesus died to free us from. Violence. Drug Abuse. Adultery. Pre-marital sex. Gossip. Witchcraft. Homosexuality. Pornography. That's become our entertainment. These are the storylines we thrive on. And for some, this has seeped into our reality. Our perception has been altered. What we should weep, grieve and repent over 'isn't so bad, because no one is perfect, I'm only human.' Being a light is too uncomfortable so we are perfectly happy to blend in the dark. Before you start believing that Christianity is all about self-denial, it is also about consuming the goodness of God and giving it away. Compassion is one of the fruits of a loving heart, and instead of that, news of a struggling neighbour, depressed friend, deaths, corruption, poverty etc makes us shake our heads sadly, shrug and move on because we have burdens of our own. 'There is so much suffering so what's new?' We are detached and disengaged until it's us hurting. Not all of us are so cold, but how many are as warm as we could be? We are so hesitant to acquaint ourselves with other people's pain lest it be contagious so we meditate on the sadness of it all, say some words of comfort, say a short prayer (if we must) and call it a day. We rarely reflect on what others may be going through.

We don't recognise this desensitisation as a trap, we call it being "tolerant" or "realistic." Instead of becoming more like Christ in love and holiness, we are in danger of becoming simply 'label' or ineffective Christians because as much as we love the idea of God, we make ourselves oblivious to the consequences of sin and the effects of living in a fallen world. We care less, pray less and help less.. and buy into individualism i.e. caring for just what/who concerns us not really what concerns God. Just because there is so much ugliness in the world doesn't mean we should join in or ever get tired of fighting it and praying for those consumed by it. We do not win by closing our ears to the noise or self-righteously isolating ourselves from people who have differently lifestyles to us, but by reaching out and serving the way God taught us to. By speaking the truth in love and humility, even we are rejected for it. By disciplining ourselves in what we consume and abstaining from certain freedoms if they cause us to fall into temptation. By realising that God's truth endures and will always be more fulfilling than the cheap thrills of sin. Desensitise yourself to the lie that you can dance with the devil and enjoy it but not get caught up. The world has rejected God, created its own values and is going in one direction, it's so hard not to be influenced but bold enough to go the opposite direction. You are not alone. There are others fighting the good fight too. The God who loves people and is intolerant of sin is the one you need to be sensitive to. We were redeemed from the hands of Satan, yet he still remains alive and determined to ensnare us by distorting God's principles, just like he did in the beginning of time. So how will we fight? With a shield of faith and a belt of truth.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
-2 Corinthians 10:5

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above and not on earthly things.
-Colossians 3:1-2

Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
-Philippians 4:8-9

Some great resources on the topic:



Pray for the Holy Spirit's conviction in this area of your life and watch as you are empowered and encouraged by his grace.


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