Women's Day 8 March

8 March was International Women's Day. 

No doubt some guys grumbled and wondered why Men's Day doesn't exist and why women need yet another day to feel extra pleased with themselves. Feminism is portrayed like a hobby undertaken by frigid women who hate men and needless to say, this is an ignorant stereotype. I am not here to argue women's superiority but simply to advocate the truth about why they are indispensable and why their causes and issues are issues all mankind should be concerned about. God created the woman and made her life-giver and helper because he saw that it was not good for man to be alone. After the Original Sin, women were forever cursed with the pain of child-bearing and emotional conflict at the hands of men (Genesis 3:16). Sigh, if only our problems where limited to childbirth and heartbreak. We live in an ongoing struggle against rape, domestic violence, trafficking, sex-slavery, pornography, lack of education and political rights, pay inequality, racism and more. We have overcome so much through the brave efforts of female pioneers but the road ahead is so long. And before you start thinking this is an 'uncivilised people's problem' take a second to think about how in many of our homes, after those wedding vows, women quickly settle into silent submission (not Godly submission) and endure domestic violence only to live on their husband's leashes- some suffer even before marriage. In many societies pregnancy is only regarded worthwhile if it produces a son- if you have a girl, keep trying. Sons aren't encouraged to help with cooking and cleaning because it is 'women's work' so they grow up with a sense of entitlement and expect to be served. Girls that fall pregnant out of wedlock are shunned as if they conceived asexually and are subsequently kicked out of school as though there is no possible life after that baby. We have made ourselves kings of kingdoms we believe we built with our own hands and contented ourselves with a sad reality.

Gradually, the voice of the girl child has been lost and she is now viewed as weaker, inferior, unworthy, unequal. Weak because we physically cannot fight back, weak because we follow our emotions, inferior because we supposedly don't have the same business acumen a man has so we don't deserve the same pay. The girl child has therefore adapted in response to this, positively and negatively. NEGATIVELY: women adopted a school of thought that chose to believe 'it's a man's world so we need to do what we can to be accepted.' We used the one tool we could always rely on to trip men over. Magazines and nude modelling became popular, manipulation using sex as power play gave rise to gold-diggers, vanity became the only thing that mattered in the way we saw each other. Those that couldn't fit to those ideals suffered from low self-esteem and anxiety and grew increasingly desperate for love. Industries also thrived on that insecurity. Today, pornography and rap music are among the most lucrative industries in the world and their product is disrespecting and objectifying women. So we buy it and sing along, because hey, what cool people these days really stand up for women's rights? Yet there were always those in each generation that went against the current; they became the POSITIVE adaptation. There are countless famous examples, most of us know women like Marie Curie, Ellen Sirleaf and Mother Theresa whose impact was felt beyond their time and changed mankind. But I will focus on modern-day women, who may not be famous but whose effects are still just as radical. The single mother in Africa, who is scorned for not having a husband but still works several jobs to educate her children. The Middle-Eastern woman who goes to university despite the very real threat of rape, victimisation and even murder. The Indian woman who has only daughters and no sons but loves them dearly and instills in them the belief that their destiny is not limited by their gender. The American woman who had the nerve to report a boyfriend who was abusing her to the police. The South American woman who despite the economy did not sell her daughter into prostitution. The Asian woman who works tirelessly in campaigns to created awareness for trafficking. And all the women who spend their lives being a friend to the hungry and the oppressed, focusing on their inner beauty. Those are my heroes.

There are more victims than there are success stories and I believe change will only come if we start by changing the way we view ourselves as women, and for the men, taking responsibility enough to change your thoughts and ideals about women.
WOMEN: We were created with great attention to detail, beautiful, softer, curvier, captivating, vibrant, able to feel and overcome pain, the foundation that holds the home together as well as the society, equal to the man but psychologically and anatomically different from him. Read Proverbs 31. Our ability to develop our talents, serve our families and communities and to dream even bigger should not be limited by our circumstances. Your purpose and potential is not created by you, it was given to you by a wise and loving God who knew what you could do before you were even conceived. Stop placing your validation and self-esteem in appearance or how many people ask for your number. Your identity is not in the length of your hair, the shade of your skin or the size of your bum- it is in your Creator because you were made in his image. I believe the choices we make reflect what we really believe in. If you are more worried about showing off on Instagram than taking the time to be a good influence, I'm talking to you. Men, as enthralling as they are, are not a necessity. I read somewhere that the reason why Beyoncé's 'Run The World' flopped compared to 'Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)' is because women get more excited at the thought of a man claiming her than believing that they can actually make life worthwhile on their own. Strive to be more than just a celebrity's wife. You have not failed at life if someone doesn't notice you or marry you. You are completely whole and your mission in life is to glorify and reflect the goodness of God -it was not presented with the condition of having someone attached to you. Read more intellectual literature than magazines. Exercise more and spend less time online. (I could go into the countless health issues that affect women alone, but that's a story for another day.) Meditate on how your career will change lives, not how happy you'll be once you earn enough money to buy that Peruvian hair and look fly for the haters. Spend more time with people than with your phone. Make genuine connections, listen, get involved, mentor- it's mentally and spiritually beneficial. The difference you make starts with the people around you. Don't be afraid to compete in the workplace, you are a worthy adversary, but not at the cost of your dignity or values. Don't believe in that 'think like a man' nonsense, you don't need to employ strategies or play by anyone else's rules besides God. Do you booboo. Set standards in your relationships and realise what you are giving up when you give your body away. That is how you cultivate lasting, inner beauty.

MEN: respect the women in your lives. If you still live with your mama, help around without being asked to, on top of everything she has done for you, she is not your domestic worker. Spend time with her, if your father beats her, defend her. Whether you realise it or not, everything you learn about relationships starts at home. (Don't forget to move out) Encourage your sisters to be their own women and speak out against those that want to silence them, inspire them by being the elite example of gentlemen that don't make crude jokes or call women b******. Protect them from people who will want to exploit them. Stop making Jay-Z and Kanye your heroes. Honour women. Every one of them. Not being in love with someone is not an excuse to use them or hurt them. I don't believe in karma, but I do believe in a God who promises you that you will reap what you sow. It's never fun when your deeds catch up with you. Don't complain that there are no good women left in the world, be a good man and you will attract the kind of woman that builds you not one that destroys you. There are specific roles for both in a marriage but it is still a partnership not a dictatorship. Recognise that women are smart and have been proven intellectually superior in many aspects. Yes, it's a fact. More women pursue tertiary education and actually complete it. There are more women in white collar jobs and that fact shouldn't surprise you anymore. I could go on, but I won't. Some of us will be mothers or fathers some day.. Some won't, but the reason why achieving gender equality is still one of the Millennium Development Goals is because the heart of the issue is not that businesses don't pay women enough, it's because we are not valued, but rather, seen as entertaining, convenient - functional baby-popping entities. A feminist is a person that uplifts women, I want to see the world filled with them in this millennium. Supporting women that are breaking new ground whether it's in homes or churches or humbly serving in legislation, business, healthcare etc.

Jesus was affirming, accepting and sensitive towards women. He stood up for them, opposed prejudice against them and especially showed love to those the world scorned. He broke the cultural mould of that day. From the moment the Son of God emerged into our world as a tiny, helpless infant to the final hours before His ascension into heaven, women ministered to Jesus. And Jesus accepted these gifts of love, not because they were His God-given privilege as a man. Rather, He accepted them because these were gifts of intelligent and faithful service to the Heavenly Father.
To me, he is THE MAN above all men because both men and women can relate to him. It is because of how he lived, died and rose again that we are no longer victims; we are important, loved, capable and worthy.

Instead of having something to be sad about every month, here are many reasons to embrace your emotional, hormonal self. Even more reasons for you men to thank God. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY EVERYONE!!!



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