Hello :)

Don't know why it's taken me so long to start blogging, considering my love for words and propensity for elaboration. Perhaps for some therapeutic relief, here I am. I sound very serious on paper, but am considerably less so in person.. Most of the time. You probably know me, if you're here.. or maybe not. Some of what you read may surprise you, and because I intend to keep evolving, I may not be the person you remember.. I am a woman, ergo beautifully complex and made up of soft and hard parts. I have been defined by so much over the years and now I believe I am coming into my own and have finally found my identity. It's not in the length of my hair, or the shade of my skin, or the size of my bum, or my nationality... even my family. It's in the love and mercy of my Creator. My name is Ropafadzo which means 'blessing' and that is my calling; to share and reflect the goodness of God. This is the spot where I will share my thoughts and passions, which include God, relationship, humanity and bits of medicine. Each life has a purpose and unique contribution, a lot of what I write will reveal what motivates me. Undoubtedly, my flaws will also come to light, but that's me- living from the inside out. You're welcome to leave your comments, if you must haha. If understanding is the door, communication is the key. I will speak out about the things that others would prefer hidden because vulnerability is power. I only speak for myself, but I hope some of my words resonate, not as instructions on how to live your life- but as tools to break down barriers and seeds sown in your heart to challenge you and lead you to the answers you have been looking for.



  1. Awesome Ropa, how exciting!

    God bless,

  2. Thank you Kiki! God bless you too! XO

  3. Yaaaay I'm following now let me catch up ��������
    So proud of you!

  4. Thank you mama, I appreciate this!
    love you! xx

  5. You were born for this, very insightful and it Makes one reflect. Keep doing what you are doing, love you lots and God bless you 😘


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