Human Rights Day 10 December

Today is Human Rights Day and I just discovered that there is a whole list of them. 30 to be exact. This commemoration was established in 1950 and yet, despite our efforts to become a more 'civilised' world, so many basic freedoms are still being violated. Not in some distant, backward land somewhere, but near you. It is time to solidify our stance against inequality, slavery, discrimination, inadequate living standards, torture and degrading treatment and pave a better path to education, free trial, personal security, rest and leisure for all. It is not only the government's responsibility or that of people like Nelson Mandela to make a change. When you stand up for justice, you alone are a movement. A force. An inspiration to action. One day you too may be elected into a decision-making position so as an individual, it does matter what you endorse. It's easy to spread the news about what Miley did or Kanye said, but where is our compassion for the thousands that are raped everyday, and those that are imprisoned with no trial, and those that are attacked for practising religion or for their political affiliation? Why are our hearts not burdened and burning with grief when we hear about the restrictions put on women in certain countries and the people who are exiled for speaking the truth? Because it doesn't affect anyone we know, and we have enough problems of our own. Right? Wrong. You can actually help practically; watch the news and connect with the community around you. Seek out the problems that need solving and be a part of the solution,.. society never runs out of problems. Let your money go out to worthy causes. Speak words of comfort to the oppressed. Let your home be a refuge to victims and let your voice be heard speaking out against hate and persecution by one man to another. Most of all, pray for change. Kindness is not merely our duty to one another, it is how we share God's goodness.


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