Reflections before my birthday.. a year ago!

Found this when I was scrolling through my old posts and it reminded me of who I want to be..

My last 15 reflections before a new year

• There’s a peace that comes from honesty; because even if a lie can save you- with truth, you can live with yourself.

• There’s a peace that comes with learning to see the best in people, especially because we all want everyone to believe the best about us.

• There’s a peace that comes with doing the right thing, and not the easy thing. The measure of integrity is who you are when no one is watching, especially when your family isn’t watching.

• There’s a peace that comes with admitting your wrongs. A clear conscience is the softest pillow to sleep on.

• There’s a peace that comes with trust, because that is the glue that holds all relationships together.

• There’s a peace that comes with letting go, realising you did your best and giving someone their freedom.

• There’s a peace that comes with taking a chance, even when you look like the fool sometimes. Hope strengthens the soul, when you put yourself out there, there is nothing to regret in the bigger picture.

• There’s peace in courage. Fear builds walls that not only keep others out, but fence you in.

• There’s a peace that comes with listening, we all want to be heard and understood. In difficult situations someone has to start listening, why can’t it be you?

• There’s a peace that comes with forgiveness and making peace with your past, sometimes you don’t need to understand, or get an explanation- or even an apology, just release them, and yourself- and let them know.

• There’s a peace that comes with realising that sometimes good intentions are not enough, we need to try, and we need wisdom to know when to put that extra effort.

• There’s a peace that comes with accepting that there is nothing we can control in this world except our own actions and words. Some things and some people, will just always be what they are.

• There’s a peace that comes with going out of your way for someone else, especially when it inconveniences you. God will always bring people in your life that will do even more for you.

• There’s a peace that comes with knowing that you don’t have to have all the answers, but you can trust the one who does. Loss, sickness and an uncertain future are part of life, and we must just endure.

• There’s peace in being you. You were created so specifically, so wonderfully. Your appearance, your voice and deeper desires don’t need the world’s approval.

This kind of peace you can only gain when God gives you a humble and loving heart, and eternal perspective.

Lord, make me a channel of your peace.


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